Home » Luck, Optimism and Making 2021 Our Golden Year

Luck, Optimism and Making 2021 Our Golden Year

7 min read

If you were to make a guess as to what the most popular favourite number in the world is, what would it be? 

Would it be a single digit, or a double? 

Would it be 20…as in 2020? I’m going to guess that your answer to that would be a pretty hard NO.

2020…sigggghhhhhh. Who would have ever thought that a number so seemingly innocuous, and formerly only known for its attachment to visual acuity, (ie the clarity, and sharpness of our vision) could now, on a global level, be so thickly saturated in a heavy, impending and never-ending darkness.

The year…this number, has fast become an invisible monster launching a looming, ever-present fear. Death. Doom. Loss of freedom. Loss of everything ”normal”. It all happened in that magical number. I am not certain that I want to mention it, that number, again. In fear of more…loss. 

Today we all can truly say that we have a story to tell, about our life…over the last year specifically. The shock…the restrictions…the impact…and, the residual risk of intensive psychological damage.

Too dark?

Collectively, in my expert-on-my-own-life opinion every single person on this earth now knows trauma. All at the same time. It is an unprecedented state for our generation, possibly our era. And the number 20 now has new meaning, a negative one…permanently connected to trauma.

In our favour, we, as human beings, possess the power of resilience. We adapt. Many of us know, or are quickly learning, how to arm ourselves with optimism and, trust that with the passage of time “it” will all get better. 


…and so time passes and we, collectively, welcome a new year. 


Who knows what this new circle around the sun will bring? Could it be a chance at renewal, along with a reset…for humanity? 

I’ll say it again, 2021A new focus, on possibly a new favourite number. Hurrah! SO much change!!! SO much HOPE!!!


Personally, I have always had a fondness for numbers. They, and often their patterns, their significance…have always drawn me in. And oddly (and often), given me hope.

The number 21 for example, was a notable numeric beacon in my young lifeYou see I was born on the 21st day of April (and incidentally, so was the Queen of England…not that that matters, but the connection does weirdly bring me joy), and, I was absolutely certain that 1992 (the year that I turned 21) would truly be my GOLDEN year…and my time to shine. I really wasn’t sure what it was exactly that I was going to be shining about, but deep down inside, I felt that my future was pretty great.

“Someday you’ll say that you knew me,” I recall cheekily bragging at least a handful of times to my other fellow journalism classmates in 1991 prior to my graduation and imminent venture out into the real world of work. I would announce this fact with 2 parts naïve confidence and 1 part zeal…or sometimes, if the moment was right, 2 parts zeal…and 1 part naïve confidence. 

All in all it was something that I was absolutely sure of. My future was bright. This schooling stuff was just a small step on the successful writing/media path that was my destiny, I thought. As I approached 21 I could feel all of the exciting possibilities vibing like electric waves through my bones.

And, in hindsight, it really was an unforgettable and life-changing stand-out year (1992), but not in a way that I could ever have expected…and not dissimilar to our collective experience in 2020

In a nutshell, in my Golden Year, I made a big move to a new and bigger place (Vancouver) with new and mentally-iller people. I found a barely-bill-covering job, visited the ocean often and continually dreamed of better days. And then, (at the risk of dropping an uncomfortable TMI revelation) within the first 3 months of this new adventure, my life was literally almost taken from me…courtesy of a psychotic severely mentally unwell sexual deviant…who stunk, like rot…as if he had been dipped in the stench of death. (I wish I was exaggerating…) Robbery, kidnapping, repeated assault and confinement became my new reality. It was beyond awful.

I was a missing person for nine days, and yes my face and name did appear many times in the news. This was not my idea of what I thought I would be known for…and this was not my idea of a shining Golden Year.

The good news, was that luck, fortune and fate were on my side (not to mention a significant dose of good policing) and I beat the odds and was given a second chance to live. 

So today, in an optimistic light, I can confidently say that my 21st year was lucky for me after all. It was when I was given a second chance, and was essentially reborn.

Which brings up the bigger meaning of the number 21….and luck. And all of us. Now.

Collectively, on a global scale, I feel that we are all hopeful that 2021 will be a lucky turnaround year.

Traditionally the number 21 is connected with luck, risk, taking chances and rolling the dice*. And fittingly, 21 just happens to be the number of spots on a standard cubical (six-sided) die (1+2+3+4+5+6) (also known as a triangular number)*. We have the numbers on our side.

Mathematically, we are in the 21st year in the 21st century. Spiritually, there are 21 trump cards of the tarot deck (unless you count The Fool…which we don’t). Globally, in 13 countries 21 is the age of majority AND, in most US States 21 is the minimum age at which a person may gamble, or enter a casino. 

So theoretically…on a societal level, we are officially adults! It is our time to shine! We are all taking chances and crossing our fingers (and toes) that positive change is on the horizon, and that this (2021) collectively will be our Golden YearA collective rebirth.

Too much optimism?

Well, maybe it is worth a try…it has been the core that has gotten me this far…on this journey from my supposed “golden” time, circa 1992. And yet, I persist…29 years, and counting.

In my life, since then, I have continued to experience stuff…some good…some not so good. I have become well-versed in trauma, PTSD and its power…and I will write about this


I invite you to listen…and I invite you to find your own resilience, your own optimism and maybe even your own numbers to give you meaning, and motivation…in 2021.

And, for those still wondering, the world’s most popular favourite number is…seven.…hurrah! (with three, eight and four come in at second, third and fourth) (thank you Grapes of Math!)*

So, all in all, whatever your favourite number is…until next time, happy 2021-ing…may luck and golden fortune smile upon you

What number will make your 2021 shine? 

Credits, and Kudos!

The Economist



Simon & Schuster

Through stories and connections planITgirl’s goal is to help people who have been impacted by trauma to understand what trauma is, and how it may be impacting them…or someone they know.  

The founder is a writer and speaker who strives to share her personal journey of living with trauma and PTSD in a forward-thinking, positive, professional and connective format.

If you feel (or care for someone who feels) lost, isolated, different, stuck and misunderstood, we hope the thoughts, stories and connections shared will resonate with you.

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