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Front Page “Fame”

Front page of a yellowing newspaper, the Sunday Province, shows full-page coverage of Lenore's ordeal. The headline reads in large, black all-caps: Deliverance. A graduation photo of a smiling Lenore is next to text that reads "Lenore Rattray is free after her eight-day hostage ordeal; Second woman also rescued after kidnapping". A secondary headline at the bottom of the page in orange reads "Eco-warriors strike B.C."

3 min read

Have you ever imagined yourself as “famous”? What did it look like…and what did you imagine yourself being known for?

Your singing/acting/musical/artistic talents?

Your undeniable good looks and, engaging wit?

Your world-changing invention?

I guess I sort of did…imagine fame. But…when it happened, to say the least, it was confusing.

I am the type of person that LOVES it when things connect…and really, just make sense.

I suppose that trait is attributable to the inquisitive former wannabe journalist in me…

Who. What. When. Where.


I NEED to know.

Since 1992, the month of July for me has become a time where I am pretty intently focused on where I have been, and…where I want to go.

July is typically filled with an introspective conversation (or so), without much fuss or external engagement. And basically it’s myself checking in with…MYSELF, to make sure that I am progressing…whatever that means.

Some years are better than others.

This year has been an interesting one.

THIS year, I took a deep breath and pulled out ALL of the stored away memories, letters from strangers, police statements…and, newspaper clippings…from 1992.

Like this one…in this post.

It is one of many news pieces that preceded it although, this one is different. In a way, it is my official media badge of honour…signifying my day of DELIVERANCE.

I moved to Vancouver in April 1992 and all that the police knew for sure was that after working alone in my retail job, the money had gone missing…and, both me and my car had not returned home.

The last date that I was seen was July 3, 1992.

“Someday you’ll say that you knew me,” I recall cheekily bragging a handful of times to my other fellow journalism classmates in 1991 prior to embarking out into the real world of work.

To me, this schooling stuff was just a small step on the successful writing/media path that was my destiny, or…so I thought.

…I was 21, it was my “golden” year and naïve optimism was coursing through my veins.

What they (the police) would later learn is that I had been robbed at my job at closing time and then walked for close to two hours in rush-hour traffic at gunpoint across a busy 6-lane bridge, down many side streets and through established bustling neighbourhoods from Vancouver to a makeshift camp in a wooded area beside the Trans Canada Highway in North Vancouver…and, NO ONE had seen me.

Did I mention that it was pretty much daylight the entire time?

As far as the police investigation went, I literally disappeared without a trace. Things just didn’t add up, and, my disappearance just didn’t make sense.

Despite my cheekiness, THIS is NOT the spotlight I had dreamed of…this was definitely NOT how I had intended to make my mark.


…which brings me to today.

To me, the time (from then until now) is a fascinating story from so many perspectives…with a happy ending, OR depending how you look at it, a happy beginning…with another happy ending, and another happy beginning… and then, a good number of challenging bits…and, so on.

To me, this is life. And, this front-page celebratory image of me smiling and beaming in a really bad hairstyle is a fitting way to wrap up July 2021, after such a year+ of craziness…for far too many of us.

I post this today to further open up new conversations, about all that impacts our lives when we are faced with (and forced to travel through) adversity.

Trauma, stress, mental breakdowns, depression, PTSD, anxiety, addiction, ETC ETC…none of us should face these challenges alone.

My mission is not to attain accolades for surviving something bad, but more to open up an understanding of navigating through our mental health needs when trauma hits…with post-traumatic growth being the ultimate goal.

THAT is what makes sense. To me.


Wouldn’t it be great if we could all find our day of DELIVERANCE? Our day where we say, THIS is what I am here for…

That is my hope.

Bring it on August.



IT is life

IT changes…and that’s OK

IT is all OK

Credits, and Kudos
Everyone Who NEVER Gave Up Hope

Through stories and connections planITgirl’s goal is to help people who have been impacted by trauma to understand what trauma is, and how it may be impacting them…or someone they know.  

The founder is a writer and speaker who strives to share her personal journey of living with trauma and PTSD in a forward-thinking, positive, professional and connective format.

If you feel (or care for someone who feels) lost, isolated, different, stuck and misunderstood, we hope the thoughts, stories and connections shared will resonate with you.

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